Jump Squat, Wide Pushup, Pushup Jack, Bicycle, Dumbbell Stepup

Jump Squat, Wide Pushup, Pushup Jack, Bicycle, Dumbbell Stepup

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1. Get into a squat position, set your feet, and drop to the bottom position of the jump. Hold that position for a second and then jump. Land as softly as you can. Get back to the starting position and repeat. 2.Put your hands wider that shoulder-width apart on the mat. Keep your arms straight, but don't lock your elbows. Align your feet making the straight line with your arms and core. Inhailing, bend your elbows and lower your chest to the bench slowly. 3. Bagin with a plank position with your feet together and body in a straight line. Keeping your abs tight and back straight, lower yourself to a push-up. At the same time try to jump your feet wide. 4. Pull your shoulder blades back and slowly raise your knee to about 90 degree angle lifting your feet from the floor. Exhale and slowly bring one knee towards your elbow and straightening the other leg at the same time. Keep both feet elevated higher that your hips. 5. Holding dumbbells in your hands, make a step-up with your right foot pressing through the heel to straighten your leg. Brring the left foot up to meet your right foot on top of the step.


Fitness Mat, Dumbbell

Muscle groups:

Back, Arms, Legs, Core